Membership/Did you know?


Knights are Catholic men, 18 years of age and older, who are committed to making their community a better place, while supporting their Church. Being a Knight is more than camaraderie; it is being involved with your community; it is supporting your local Catholic Church, while enhancing your own faith; it is about protecting and enhancing your family life. Come see just what we are all about and take the first steps to enhance your personal life. Fill out a Form 100 online today!  You also can go on line and become an E member. For admission into the Mason Knights of Columbus council, please contact any Knights of Columbus member. We have membership drives throughout the year so please join us. Check on the links in the “Did You Know” section below for more information about the Knights of Columbus and our activities. E-mail us at

Did you Know? 

(Facts and Links about the Knights of Columbus Mason Council, State Council and Supreme Council)

  • That the Knights of Columbus membership world wide exceeds 1.8 million and the Supreme Council is located in New Haven, Connecticut, the home of our founder, Blessed Father Michael J. McGivney?
  •  That the late Brother Knight Father Kenneth McDonald requested that our Council be established in 1985 and that Brother Knight PSD Richard McCloy was our first District Deputy and Brother Knight PGK FDD Gene Murawski was our Charter Grand Knight? On May 19, 2007, we celebrated the 50th Anniversary of Brother Knight and Charter Chaplain Fr. Kenneth McDonald’s Ordination to the Priesthood with a Mass, dinner and program in his honor? He was ordained on May 11, 1957. We celebrated Fr. Ken’s 80th Birthday with a Mass, dinner and party on August 1, 2009, at St. James Church in Mason. Fr. Ken was the official “Honoree” at our 25th Anniversary celebration on November 13, 2010. Several Brothers meet with Fr. Ken over lunch and catch up on what he is doing and fill him in on Council Activities. Fr. Ken says he enjoys reading the minutes of the Council and “When is that kitchen going to be built”? A 60th Anniversary of his Ordination was held on May 7, 2017. It started with the 11:00 Mass and then moved on to a luncheon and program. Fr. Ken was pleased to take home a copy of the plans for the proposed expanded kitchen and hall. Joining Fr. Ken was Bishop Emeritus Carl Mengeling who also celebrated his 60th Anniversary of his Ordination. Fr. Kusi celebrated his 61st birthday the same day. Thank you all for your calling and service to God and all of us. On August 17, 2019, we celebrated Fr. Ken’s 90th birthday with Mass and a meet and greet with light refreshments. Fr. Ken celebrated the 65th anniversary of his ordination on May 11, 2022. On March 12, 2023, Mason Council Brother Knights and friends moved Fr. Ken from DeWitt Michigan to the Green Acres facility in Mason with leadership from Dan and Karen Bishop. Father Ken passed away on July 20, 2023. The Principal Celebrant at his funeral Mass was The Most Reverend Earl Boyea, Bishop of Lansing and homilist Reverend Eoin Murphy. On the altar was Fr. Ken’s birthday buddy, Bishop Emeritus Carl Mengeling, Fr. Kusitino Cobona, Fr. Alan Wakefield, Deacon Chuong Nguyen, Fr. Phil Schmitter and twenty other area Priests. A luncheon followed in Cave Hall sponsored by the St. James Women’s Club and Mason Council 9182 Knights of Columbus.
  •  That the Knights of Columbus membership in the Michigan Jurisdiction exceeds 63,000 members in 440 Councils?
  • That the motto of the Knights of Columbus is “In service to one, in service to all?
  • That Fr. Kusi (Kusitino Cobona) accepted the appointment as our third Council Chaplain in September, 2010? He was ordained a Marist Priest on December 1, 1984. He was born on May 7, 1956. Fr. Kusi is a Fourth Degree Knight. Fr. Kusi led a Mission Trip to Fiji in 2013. On November 30, 2014, Mason Council #9182 sponsored a 30th Anniversary Mass, Dinner and Social for Fr. Kusi with 200 in attendance including 10 area Priests. We assisted in sponsoring a Surprise 60th Birthday Party for Fr. Kusi in May, 2016. On July 9, 2016, we sponsored and “All American Picnic” potluck at St. James celebrating Fr. Kusi receiving his United States Citizenship on May 18, 2016. In August 2017, Fr. Kusi led another Mission Trip to Fiji to build houses after the devastation of Cyclone Winston. He traveled to Rome in November, 2019. Fr. Kusi visited family in Fiji in January of 2022 with a layover in Los Angels due to contracting Covid 19. He visited again in January of 2023. Fr. Kusi had open heart surgery on January 25, 2024, and returned to duty on March 24, 2024. On December 1, 2024, we celebrated his 40th anniversary of ordination with a Mass including 10 area Priests and his nephew Priest from Texas. A reception followed in Cave hall with hors d’oeuvres, drinks, dinner and a program. Father will travel to Fiji at the end of December.
  • That our Council #9182 Charter Mass and Dinner were held in the basement of the old Church on November 14, 1986, with the late Brother Knight Bishop Kenneth J. Povish and the late Brother Knight Father Kenneth McDonald as celebrants? The official Charter is dated December 1, 1985. We celebrated our 25th Anniversary as a council on November 13, 2010, with a Mass concelebrated by Fr. Kusi and Fr. Alan Wakefield, Social, Dinner and Program. The event was Chaired by Brothers Jay Jensen and Gordon Terwilliger with Charter Grand Knight Gene Murawski as Master of Ceremonies. We had over 100 members and guests present for the program honoring our Founder and Charter Chaplain, Fr. Kenneth McDonald.    
  • That our very own Brother Knight Father Michael J. Jacobus was ordained into the Priesthood on June 6, 2008, at the Cathedral of Saint Peter in Marquette, Michigan, by the Most Reverend Alexander K. Sample? Father Jacobus was vested by Father Alan Wakefield and Father Robb Jurkovich. Other Knights and wives attending from our council were Rich and Marcia O’Brien, Gordon and Margaret Terwilliger, Paul and Therese Miller and Lonny Church. Father Michael’s Parents Nancy Jacobus and Michael Jacobus were there along with many other relatives, friends and parishioners from St. James and several parishes where Seminarian and Deacon Michael had served. Fr. Michael was assigned to Our Lady of Peace Parish in Ironwood, Michigan. In May, 2009, he was assigned to the Holy Family Parish in Ontonagon, Michigan, with additional responsibilities at St. Jude Parish in White Pine, St. Mary in Rockland, Sacred Heart in Ewen, and Saint Ann’s in Bergland . On June 10, 2018, PGK Paul & Lady Therese Miller attended the 10th Anniversary celebration of Father Michael’s Ordination in Ontonagon, Michigan. On June 6, 2023, Father Michael celebrated his 15th Anniversary. The address of Holy Family Parish is 515 Pine St. Ontonagon, Michigan 49953.   Yes he is still there as of December, 2024.
  •  That the Knights of Columbus Insurance Program has received Standard & Poor’s highest rating, AAA (Extremely Strong) and A. M. Best has given its A+++ (Superior) rating? Our local Field Agent is Ron Feher 517-490-9008.
  •  That our original First Degree Team was certified in 1986 and included Brother Knights PGK FDD Gene Murawski, Tim Zielinski, PGK PFN Bob Leyko, Michael Jacobus, Vince Guarnaccia and Mike Spinsky?
  •  That there is a Blessed Father Michael J. McGivney Guild and all Knights are encouraged to join and that the Michigan Jurisdiction leads the nation in membership?
  • That on March 29, 2020, our Council conducted its first ever virtual online regular meeting hosted by Grand Knight Chris Knudstrup with Chaplain Fr. Kusi and District Deputy Joe Chin hooked in. Twenty Brother Knights signed in for the meeting. This was needed because of the world wide novel corona virus COVID-19 pandemic. Virtual Zoom meetings were held for several months until the pandemic eased. During these pandemic months, Zoom meetings were conducted for Officer meetings, budget meetings and most committee meetings. Face to face meetings resumed in May 2021 with Zoom attendance optional.
  • That on April 16, 2020, the Supreme Council conducted the first ever online virtual Exemplification? It included 6 new members and 7 existing First Degree members from our council that were elevated to the Third Degree of the Order.
  •  That the Knights of Columbus established the Hero’s Fund immediately after the attack on 9-11-2001 and were the first to give money to family members of Brother Knights lost in the attack? The Fund exceeded one million dollars donated.
  •  That Father Phil Schmitter, son of the late Brother Knight Charles and Ruth Schmitter, is a Catholic Priest in the Lansing Diocese? Fr. Phil and his sister and brother attended our 75th Anniversary Celebration at St. James on September 17, 2017. Fr. Phil retired in 2021. In December, 2021, Fr. Schmitter celebrated the 50th Anniversary of his ordination at St. James with a Mass and reception sponsored by our council.
  •  That the Michigan Jurisdiction of the Knights of Columbus includes 418 active councils with 101 Districts and District Deputies?
  •  That our former Chaplain and Brother Knight Father Alan Wakefield was ordained a Priest on April 19, 1975? A wine and cheese party was hosted by our Council on April 17, 2010, celebrating his 35th Anniversary. Fr. Al retired effective September 1, 2010. We hosted a retirement party at the Home of Duff and Martha Williams on August 29, 2010, with almost 100 in attendance. We wish Fr. Al good health and joy in his new adventure. Thank you Fr. Al. Fr. Al now resides in New Buffalo, Michigan. On April 26, 2015, Fr. Al Celebrated the 11:00 Mass at St. James and the Knights sponsored a 40th Anniversary Party after Mass with about 100 guests attending.
  •  That our first Fish Fry was held in the basement of the old Church in 1986 with the late Brother Knight PGK PFN Bob Leyko organizing the event and being the Fish Fry Chairman for eight years? Brother Knight PGK FDD Mark Leyko followed his uncle Bob and Chaired the Fish Fries for ten years. Brother Knight PGK Jeff Haueter (2005) is our current Big Fish. A regular night Fish Fry “meals served” record of 736 was set on March 27, 2015, surpassing the old record of 697 on April 15, 2011. Next in line was 685 on March 23, 2018. For the first time in our history of Fish Fries, we accepted our first credit card payment for a dinner on February 28, 2014. Our pop sales and our 50/50 proceeds during the Fish Fries make up some of the funds for our Annual Knights of Columbus Memorial Scholarship Program for graduating seniors from the Catholic Community of St. James, Cornelius & Cyprian. In 2020, the last three fish fries of the season were cancelled due to the world wide corona virus pandemic and stay home restrictions in Michigan and elsewhere. We held drive thru fish fries in the Fall of 2020, for our 2021 Winter/Lenten fish fries, again in the Fall of 2021 and finally for our Winter/Lenten Fish Fries for 2022. We resumed indoor dining in January 2023.
  • That on September 11, 2020, we held our first ever Friday Night Drive Thru Stay in your car Fish Fry and sold 2,400 dinners over a six week period as the Covid-19 pandemic continued. The Council continued Winter/Lenten Drive Thru Fish Fries from February 19, 2021, until the end of April and repeated for the 2022 season. Indoor dining resumed in 2023 and 2024.
  •  That our Council is in the jurisdiction of the Bishop Kenneth J. Povish Assembly #2815, Fourth Degree, located in Charlotte with rotating meetings at Eaton Rapids and Mason.
  • That only 3.4 percent of Catholic men in Michigan are members of the Knights of Columbus?
  •  That Brother Knight Frank Hughes established and edited a quarterly Council #9182 K of C newsletter for two years, that Brother Knight PGK Paul Miller changed it to the monthly “Knight Times” and was Editor for 13 years, that Brother Knight Tom Conway was Editor for one year and that Brother Knight Lou Hurliman was editor for 19 years? Brother Knight PGK Paul Miller was appointed in May of 2020 and is our current editor.
  •  That in 1981 the Knights established a $10 million trust fund — the Vicarius Christi (Vicar of Christ) Fund — whose proceeds go annually to the Holy Father for his personal charities? The Fund was increased to $20 million in 1988. Over the past 25 years the fund has provided more than $43 million for the Pope’s personal charities and causes.  
  • That our first Palm Sunday MR Tootsie Roll Drive, first Vocations Golf Outing, first Spelling Bee, first 50-50 drawing and first Prayer for Vocations at monthly meetings started in 1986? The Tootsie Roll Drive has since been changed to the MI Drive and our Council changed our collection time from Palm Sunday weekend to Columbus Day weekend in 2011.
  • That at the second Supreme Council meeting on May 12, 1883, Supreme Knight James T. Mullen introduced the emblem of the order. It consists of a shield mounted upon a Formée cross. The Formée cross, with its arms expanding at the ends, is an artistic representation of the cross of Christ. The shield harkens back to medieval Knights and the cross represents the Catholicity of the Order. Mounted on the shield is a fasces with an anchor and a short sword crossed behind it. The fasces is a symbol of authority while the anchor is the mariner’s symbol for Columbus. The sword, like the shield it is mounted on, was used by knights of yesteryear when engaged upon an errand of mercy. Each Knight receives the emblem as a lapel pin.
  •  That our Council has supported Lansing Diocese seminarians and religious annually since 1987 and in 2007 we broke the 2006 record with a contribution of $6,000 assisting our seminarians? At our 25th Anniversary celebration on November 13, 2010, it was stated that our Council has raised over $50,000 for Seminarians since we started! Since that time the total rose to $77,000 in 2016 and $90,500 by 2018. Then, our largest donation to date came in 2019 raising the total to $98,500. Our all time record of $8,500 to Lansing Diocese Seminarians in 2020 pushed us over the $100,000 mark to $107,000. Yes, records were meant to be broken and on June 5, 2021, through the generosity of our wonderful sponsors, donors and golfers, we raised over $11,500 for our Seminarians bringing our grand total to approximately $118,500 since 1987. So, records continued to fall in 2022 with net proceeds of $12,000 bringing our running total to $130,500. Why stop there? In 2023, the 2022 record was obliterated helped along with the new T-Shirt program introduced by Brother Knight Stephen Van Buren attributing to a new record total of $18,000!! Our running total is now $148,500. Records need to be broken and in 2024 we raised $21,000 for our Lansing Diocese Seminarians bringing our grand total to $169,500. 37 years in a row and counting . . .
  •  That the founders of the Knights of Columbus chose Christopher Columbus as patron of the new organization to emphasize Catholic contributions to the exploration and evangelization of the Americas and calling the members “Knights” signified a commitment to high ideals of religious devotion and service to others?
  • That on the weekend of March 22-23, 2014, our Council Kicked Off our “In a Heartbeat” Campaign to raise over $13,000 as the local share to purchase an Ultrasound Machine for Pregnancy Services of Greater Lansing? The Supreme Council, Knights of Columbus, matched our $13,000 to purchase the machine. With the wonderful generosity of many Knights of Columbus Councils, Assemblies and individual donations, we reached our goal very quickly. A check presentation, ribbon cutting, reception and blessing of the Ultrasound Machine was held on July 27, 2014. The Committee was Co-Chaired by PGK FDD PFN Frank March II and Mark Fein.
  •  That our Michigan K of C District #515 consists of Mason Council 9182, St. Mary’s Council 11875 Charlotte, St. Peter’s Council 6534, Eaton Rapids and Fr. Gerald F. Chapman Council 13516, Leslie? Michael Schaefer is our current District Deputy.
  • What can happen in 39 days? At the funeral dinner for Brother Knight Jason McMahon on September 13, 2023, five Brother Knights were finishing their meal and you could see what was about to happen. Each thought the same thing and said, “We have to do something”. A fundraiser was agreed upon and a first committee meeting was scheduled for September 28th. Committee meetings were held each week. The first meeting included Brother Knights from Mason Council and the Leslie Council, Knights Angels and other interested Sts. JCC parishioners. It was well run by Co-chairs PGK Jeff Haueter and PGK Chris Knudstrup. A date was established for November 4, 2023. Various committee members were assigned tasks and asked to lead that task to fruition. The action started immediately and event sponsor monies flowed in to cover the food expenses. A pig was donated. A hay ride event was planned, a band was procured, a cleanup, setup crew was established. The Leslie Knights stepped up with the pig roaster and volunteers to roast and carve the pig. The raffle drawing and all its details was underway at both campuses. Food procurement took place. Signups for side dishes and workers for all areas were solicited. The kitchen crew came forward and Charli was making those many pies. Jill (McMahon) and her crew made cornbread and muffins. The silent auction went like clockwork and 50+ items were donated. The display tables were set up and taken down several times. Fantastic Live Auction items were donated and Brother Knight, Auctioneer, Bill Sheridan and his crew, Doug, Mike, Owen and Stacey did the impossible raising over $10,000 from generous members present.  Cornhole games were picked up and delivered. The pig was roasted and carved. The wagon was repaired, straw donated and Jerry rolled into town with his tractor. People ate, donated, danced, enjoyed fellowship and went away knowing they had made a difference. Ralph and the band played on. The cleanup crew did their thing late at night. They all went home, turned their clocks back and enjoyed an extra hour of sleep for the fruits of their labor after 39 days! (On December 17, 2023, Mason Council members and guests presented the McMahon Family with a check for $30,000.00 from the McMahon Education Fundraiser) (Brother Knight Jason McMahon was killed in a tragic farm accident on September 7, 2023)  At the Knights of Columbus State Convention on Mackinac Island in May, 2024, our council received the State Family Program Award for the McMahon Education Fundraiser. In August, 2024, our council received the International Family Program Award for the same project at the Supreme Convention in Quebec Canada with PGK FDD State Ceremonials Director Gene Murawski and his wife Rita accepting the award.
  • That with financial assistance from the Knights, the façade of St. Peter’s was repaired in a 20-month project completed in 1987 and the Knights have also funded other restoration work in the Basilica, most recently including repairs to the roof of its Blessed Sacrament Chapel?
  •  That the Knights’ prize-winning monthly magazine, Columbia, is the largest Catholic periodical in the United States?
  • That the following Mason Council Brother Knights have held higher office in the Assembly, District or State jurisdictions: PGK FDD Eugene Murawski, PGK PFN Robert Leyko, PGK FDD Mark Leyko, PGK FDD Robert Timmer, PGK Donald Kill, PGK FDD Chris Stevens, FDD Thomas Murawski, PGK FDD PFN Frank March II, PGK Charles March, Steve Harmon, Nicholas Harmon, Gene Hentkowski, the late Thomas Trimmer, George Wygant, Mike Domzalski, PGK Paul Miller, Phil Wieferich, Stephen Van Buren and the late PGK FDD Ron Soltis?
  •  That since 1973 the Knights of Columbus has printed and distributed free of charge millions of items of pro-life educational literature, provided financial assistance to the pro-life programs of the U.S., Canadian and Mexican bishops and thousands of Knights take part in the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C., each January? 
  • That our first Free-throw Contest, first Pancake Breakfast, first  attendance jackpot drawing, first Parish Bulletin Ad, first monthly Mass Stipend for Vocations, first State Convention attendance and first Corporate Communion started in 1987?
  •  That the Knights have committed one million dollars to the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington D.C. for a 3,780 square foot mosaic dome in the Shrine’s Great Upper Church which depicts themes relating to the incarnation of Jesus Christ?
  • That our Council has held a number of Fish Fry Benefit Dinners over the years including “Proceeds for Pat”, Eden Church after their fire and the Mason School Foundation? A more recent Fish Fry Fundraiser in 2012 netted ($6,000) for the St. Vincent DePaul Store after their fire and ($4,177.37) for the “Care Free Dental Clinic” in 2013. On March 28, 2014, we held a Fish Fry Fundraiser for an Ultrasound Machine for Pregnancy Services of Greater Lansing and raised over ($6,700) for the Ultrasound Fund. In April, 2016, We held a Fish Fry for Fiji to assist Holy Cross Parish with rebuilding after their record setting Cyclone on Feb. 29, 2016. We raised over $9,000. In 2021 and 2022 we shared drive thru fish fry proceeds with the International Outreach Ministry at St. James.
  •  That our Website, was created by Brother Knight Corey Dollman-Jersey in 2006? It was redeveloped by Brother Knight Bob Rodriguez in April of 2008. It has always been maintained by PGK Paul Miller. Most of the website went down in 2018. It was restored and rebuilt in 2019 by PGK Paul Miller with tremendous help from Thomas Miller and was launched on December 3, 2019.
  • That January 2022 was the 49th Anniversary of Roe vs. Wade. Mother Teresa proclaimed that “If you want peace, Stop Abortion”? Roe vs. Wade was overturned by the Supreme Court on June 24, 2022.
  • That since 2004 US Military Chaplains around the world have received updated copies of the Order’s pocket sized “Armed With Faith” prayer booklets for Catholics serving with the armed forces? Approximately 500,000 booklets have been made available during that time by the Knights.
  •  That the Knights of Columbus Celebrated the 142nd Anniversary of Founders Day on March 29, 2024?
  •  That our Council is required to complete a semiannual audit by February 15th and August 15th each year and submit copies to the Supreme Council, the State Council and the District Deputy?
  •  That Brother Knight PGK Donald Kill rolled a perfect 300 game on December 14, 2006, in the Knights of Columbus Bowling League at Royal Scot in Lansing? He did it again on March 15, 2007! On December 10, 2009, Brother Knight David Knauf crafted an unbelievable 810 series in the same league. Then, on January 7, 2010, Brother Knight PGK Paul Miller rolled a personal best 704 series followed on January 14 by Brother Knight PGK FDD Gene Murawski’s personal best game of 299 which was part of a personal best 789 series! Congratulations Donald Kill for being inducted into the Mason USBC Association Hall of Fame February 7, 2016.
  • That the Michigan House of Representatives Resolution No. 32 dated March 1, 2007, recognized March 29, 2007, as KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS FOUNDERS DAY IN THE STATE OF MICHIGAN?  
  •  That Brother Knights Frank March Sr., PGK FDD PFN Frank March II, Justin and Charles March are the first three generation family members at Mason Council 9182? Our next three generation family included  Brother Knights Arnie Rodriguez, Robert Rodriguez and Joseph Rodriguez. 
  • That the official publication of the Knights of Columbus Michigan Jurisdiction is the MICHIGAN COLUMBIAN?
  • That on March 16, 2008, Pope Benedict XVI approved a Decree of Heroic Virtue for Father Michael J. McGivney, founder of the Knights of Columbus? This significant step forward in the process of Father McGivney’s cause for canonization accords this Servant of God the title “Venerable” and presents the 19th century priest to the faithful as a model of Christian life. He was Beatified on October 31, 2020, and is now Blessed Fr. Michael McGivney. A Feast Day for Fr. McGivney was established on August 13 every year.
  •  That some of the Knights wives formed the Knights of Columbus “Angels” at St. James and they held an organizational and information meeting on August 26th, 2007? Membership is open to all women of the Parish. Please check out their page on this website for their activities and more information. Past Presidents are Carleen White, Tammy March, Pam Prokop and Theresa Bates. The current President is Tammy March. The Ladies and guests celebrated their 10th Anniversary with a catered dinner and program on August 19, 2017.
  • That the Pope’s blessing and midnight Mass from St. Peter’s were broadcast in more than 70 countries using the satellite uplink program financed by the Knights of Columbus?
  • That for several years leading up to and including 2012, the Council has saved and worked hard to improve the kitchen in Cave Hall at St. James and that in December 2012, three new fryers, a new double stacking convection oven, a commercial two burner hot plate, a three door under counter refrigerator with cutting board surface, a new service table, a free standing refrigerator and French Fry cutter were added to the kitchen? To culminate our efforts, we reimbursed St. James Church for the cost of the contractor to repaint Cave Hall the first week of 2013. Two large upright food warmers with shelves were also added with the proceeds from the old equipment. A new ice machine was added in 2015. Plans are currently underway to expand the kitchen and hall with the proceeds of the Witness to Hope Campaign.
  • That the Knights of Columbus Culture of Life Fund was established by a vote of the delegates to the 2008 Supreme Convention in Quebec City “In order to further our commitment to building a culture of life”? The resolution stated, “it has become desirable to establish a permanent fund with monies contributed from the members, councils and assemblies that will support a broad range of initiatives that advance the culture of life”. In Phoenix at the 2009 Supreme Council Meeting, a resolution was passed to assess each member $2 annually for the Culture of Life Fund. The purpose of the fund is to move public opinion toward respecting the dignity of the human person and the fundamental right to life as a significant step towards the long term goal of building a culture of life that Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI have so strongly urged.
    • Updated 12/6/24